With the release of Dungeons of Dredmor imminent [that is: tomorrow], why not faff around a bit with silly drawings?
Have you been itching for a Dredmor skill or spell icon to use for your forum profile? We have just the potion for your condition! Do you need some hot, raw hi-res Dungeons of Dredmor paintings to use for your desktop background? We’ve got the answers to your desires. Just want to get a peek at a few random, silly images that Gaslamp Games has been kicking around? Well, you’re in luck.
Maybe you’re just a diggle-fancier; that’s OK too.
I present to you the Dungeons of Dredmor Community Art Mutilation Pack: A lean zip file filled to the brim with the delicious scrapings from my Dredmor art folders.

So go forth and use these as you will! (Responsibly?); modify these as you wish; make silly animations, memes, whatever.
(Just, like, please don’t distribute these commercially or as part of your free game/app/whatever or something. You know, common sense stuff. This is for the fans to have some fun with.)
In case you didn’t catch it the first time, the link to the zip is here.