Gaslamp Games is quite pleased to announce a free downloadable content pack for Dungeons of Dredmor that we’ve put together with the cooperation of a handful of the Dredmor community’s top modders. To wit:
Expanded Features
- Steam Workshop; mod integration with Steam! We’re turning it on! It’s Steamy!
- Battle Geology, a wizard-like warrior skill with earth-shattering consequences by the terribly mysterious Null (how mysterious? terribly.)
- Clockwork Knight and Rogue Scientist, a pair of crafty steampunk skill lines by the too-clever-by-half Ruigi
- Warlockery, the wizard skill for wizards who would rather by warriors, by the utterly mad Essence — he wrote over 500 lines of xml for one spell.
- A mess of twisty little rooms, all different, created by the deranged architect our mortal speech renders “Bergstrom“; The geometry is all wrong.
- And to inhabit the renovated Dungeons of Dredmor we’ve summoned a pack of new monster variations dug up by one FaxCelestis, from the existentially troubling Poorly Cloned Hero to the lofty Diggle Rocketeer.
- Naturally there are some new items and other such nonsense happening which you’ll have to discover on your own.
You Have To Name The Expansion Pack for Dungeons of Dredmor will be released very soon — We just need to do a couple rounds of testing and hook up all the Steam Workshop internet-pipes. If you would like to participate in the beta have a wander through our IRC channel.
To the modders:
Thanks guys for keeping the lid on this one for so long – and for the ridiculous amount of hard work you’ve put into this whole thing. Seeing as how the whole pack is built on your scripts and designs, it could not have happened without you.
This pack is for you and all the other modders out there – here’s hoping the Steam Workshop helps you get your work out to Dredmor players everywhere*.
(*For values of everywhere that are on Steam, of course. Um. There’ll always be our modding forum for everyone else.)
More screenshots:

We've finally got the mine cart rails that Nicholas always wanted. If you bug him enough maybe he'll add the ability to ride them!

We need skills. Lots of skills. Also higher levels of crafting, finally, so you can make that Magnetronic Plate Armour and Sword of Necropoking you've had your eye on.

Brax has new shops from which to sell his dubious wares. Just try to tunnel-exploit through the lava moat!

Because we knew you'd want to kick trees down, there's new content for the Realm of the Diggles Gods as well as the core Dungeons of Dredmor levels.
We’ll keep you posted.
I am really excited for this.
DoD 3D is after this, right?
I tought that DoD 3D was a aprils fool, or something o.O
It is!
There are not enough polygons in the world to render those eyebrows.
Are you confusing Steamworks, the DRM, with Steam Workshop, the mod integration. If so – AWESOME! =D
Fixed! (It turns out I need more sleep.)
Steamworks is actually not the DRM, it’s the API for online modes and achievements. Yes it does tie in to Steam but no it’s purpose is not as DRM
So fantastic. I can’t stop laughing at the tags. Seriously.
Every time I start to forget why I sank so much time in and wrote so many words on Dungeons of Dredmor, something like this happens and I’m reminded again.
Never change, Gaslamp.
Loving the continual support you guys are giving this game. If it wasn’t first thing in the morning, I would probably be dancing around my room after hearing the news.
And to think, I had almooost eluded DoD in favour of my upcoming assignments. Back to the dungeon I go!
As always, you guys rock.
Wow, this is amazing, I can’t wait to start playing with it.
To all the modders that made this possible: congratulations. This is an incredible work and I’m proud of being part of this community. Thanks guys!
Now I really regret not taking the time to get the Rogue Cartography skill set made.
Still no “Realm…” on Desura… Seriously…
I’d pay $10 for this expansion…if it came with ROTDG and was released for Desura. Sadness ensues
What a fantastic assortment—cheers to all involved!
As always, I can’t wait for this stuff! You guys are the bestest!
Double-Plus Horse Armor?
Orwellian Diggle-mask Loaded Content?
Horadic Lutefisk Horse Armor?
Will we get an option to turn off (or adjust) auto-save? About 20% of my gameplay is taken up by a minute long save every five minutes, which makes it difficult to accomplish anything.
My thoughts echo your own.
I like the cut of your jib.
Yeah, this is a pretty serious complaint for me too. This game is awesome and all, but I don’t really enjoy the regular lag spikes. Pretty much renders it unplayable.
AFAIK, an adjust for the autosave feature is in this coming patch. Don’t take my word on it, I’m no dev.
Got here by googling, this response was a year ago. Any new word at all? I agree with the others in this thread, and I posted about this in the forum some months back but as I recall, the response I received was lukewarm. This game is so fantastic, but this autosave ish really does render it just shy of unplayable. Want ability to shut it off or at least not make my whole system hang for ages. 🙁
I am most excited about the steamworkshop features for acquiring mods. I imagine that these mods have been looked over so that they aren’t overly powerful compared to what is in game? I haven’t been playing with mods yet as I feel that I haven’t even come close to fully playing through and experimenting with all the skills (and most combinations) before testing mods. Hopefully these mods are all very balanced (at least to the degree that RotDG is).
Gaslamp has been working with the modders and altered most mods in this pack. What you’ll get will often be quite different from the mods in their current state.
David also made art for everything as well as wrote some descriptions.
Oh man, you guys went in and even added art to the packs that aren’t going to become core game features? That is awesome!
I’m stuck in a devilish cycle of “Must play DoD… Man, I don’t have time to play this… Must play DoD…”
And it’s not just the game, the community and the support have been outstanding. You really do spoil me here 🙂
I was frustrated and stopped playing for awhile when I couldn’t get out of the 10th floor. But this will bring me back into the game a second time.
Awesome! I can’t wait for this.
Awesome! I’ve been waiting for the DLC for a loong time. Now I ave another reason to go back playing Dredmor
Pingback: ‘Dungeons Of Dredmor’ Expands Yet Again With Free DLC Coming “Very Soon” | The Indie Game Magazine - Indie Game Reviews, Previews, News & Downloads
This is insanely awesome! And right on time as well because Im starting to run out of interesting mods too
AAAA 😀 Great. Also will there be more achievements for steam? 🙂
Idaho Diggle and the Dungeons of Dredmor
Idaho Diggle and the Item of Little Consequential Value
Hope you like it. Now where did I put that lutefisk…
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I’m very happy to see that this project hasn’t been stalled since I was gone (dec 2011).
Diggles, prepare to be slain! (or don’t, I prefer not to die, actually)
I have two questions:
1) When will we be able to ride the mine carts?
2) I want to ride the mine carts.
I lack an answer for #1, but the answer to #2 is yes. 🙂
Fantastic as always. Many thanks to everyone involved!
Thanks all the modders who made this possible and thanks devs, again, for being such cool chaps and supporting your (modders &) community!
Bug messenger incomming!
Please make the minecart rideable, kinda like teleport, but that you can leave while its driving (if there is a side spot to go of on.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, are how you bug people about stuff you want :3
Well this will bring me back to Dredmor. As fun as it is to mess with xmls via notepad++, real tools would be better. 🙂
Fantastic! School’s just about finished for the semester. too!
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Question: Do I have to rush my playthrough before the DLC or will saves be compatible?
Pingback: Un nuevo DLC para Dungeons of Dredmor en camino
Shut up and take my digglebucks!
is there anyway to download and test out this beta…the IRC channel is a dead end.
Only 4 more days..
Question for the devs: Is this a standalone pack or do you need the “Realm of the Diggle Gods” DLC first?
No, it will not require the Realm of the Diggle Gods DLC.
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