Run little dodo, run! (Mr. Triolo was having fun animating this guy before he left for the holidays, as you can see.)
.. Hello? Anyone here? No?
Then I guess it’s just me on the job today. Everyone else is still on vacation.
I suppose I could be persuaded to share a couple tidbits in a short post. You guys have been terribly patient over the holidays so I guess you’ve earned it.
(And this is what I get for falling to The Plague and taking weirdly offset vacation time. On the up side, I used a pitcher of week-old coffee to anoint myself lead programmer and used my new-found sense of intellectual invincibility to write some absolutely fascinating Lua script to convert our Lua entity definitions to XML readable by the UI system so that we can display commodities in UI widgets. I’m hyperventilating just writing about that one.)
(No, but seriously: Regular expressions! Oh man.)