All posts tagged with "crash what crash"

A Quick Headsup

A hotfix for 1.0.8 has now been sent to Steam, which fixes the vending machine crashes, the skill selection crashes, the crafting toolkit crashes, (hopefully!) everybody’s old 1.0.6 save games, and a few other things. It’s not up yet, but when it’s up we will let you know. We’re in the process of building new packages for Desura, and for HiB users.

EDIT: This includes a fix for the OS X version. Steve Jobs’s ghost has been laid to rest with the ritual offering of a black turtleneck sweater.

EDIT, EDIT: Up now.

EDIT, EDIT, EDIT: OS X users no longer crash. However, and I swear I can’t make this up, any OS X user grabbing the newest patch will be attacked by giant pink scorpion Diggles. We’ve sent a second fix to Valve, and it should be up in a bit.

(artist's depiction of the current state of the OSX build)


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Patch 1.0.8 is up; the DLC is not.

Patch 1.0.8 has now hit The Steam. We’ll be pushing patches out to the Humble Indie Bundle download-page and to Desura shortly. There are a few crashes that slipped by us – most notably, one crash in the crafting system, one crash drinking the new Diggle Nog, and one crash with the new vending machine looting; we’ll be mopping those up and putting out a hotfix tonight. We’re also not sure what’s going on with OS X yet, other than “a very bad thing”, but we’re trying to get this sorted out as well. Our current theory is that Dredmor is being haunted by the vengeful ghost of Steve Jobs, who was never keen on having games for OS X anyway.

… so, yeah. Hang tight, we’ll get this sorted, and in the mean time don’t drink the Diggle Nog. (This is good advice for life.)

DLC: We’re still waiting on a release date from Valve for this, but it is done. Unfortunately, the media seems to be running with the idea that it is out today as well. It’s not. It’ll be a bit; everything gets very silly at Christmas.

There has also been a request for a Changelog: we’ve posted it below.

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Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Modding, Programming | Tagged , , , , , ,

Realm of the Diggle Gods! Roadmap Post! and More…

Diggles for The Diggle God! And don't ask where that throne's been either.
Praise be to Krong, for you have participated in the Ancient Krongian ritual of the Humble Indie Bundle, and lo, the Children and the Internets are saved from poverty (to the tune of a cool $778,000.00-ish.) Lo, we hath generated over $200,000.00 for the Charities, and hath contributed to a project with many fine indie developers, some of whom are now labouring over games based on Prison Architecture. Of this, Krong mightily approves – and we have many new Dredmor players besides! All praise to Krong, et cetera.

So what else doth he have in store for you?

– 1.0.7: Now that the Humble Bundle is over, Krong is free from the chains of his period of exclusivity and is eager to spread the gospel of a new patch, with a female hero and mod support and all manner of good and crafty things besides.

But lo,

– 1.0.8: is just about done, and should be out either Thursday or Friday. So he shalt simply wait until then, and pass the savings on via Steam and Desura (and yea, to the Humble Bundle customers besides.) All praise to Krong, for he doth not force you to run the auto-updater more so than usual.

and yea:

– Linux Humble Bundle users: let it be known, Krong feels your pain from his throne covered in the flesh of the finest penguins. We hath addressed your issues, and lo, we hath rolled our fixes into Dredmor patch 1.0.8 – for it is good patch, and it doth fix the random crashes and the general instability.

Last but not least, there is an expansion. It is spoken of in the words of the great prophecy, wherein dwarves with giant beards do toil over the finest of new levels and features. Soon! Soon a sign shall come to the Youtubes, in the form of a great Trailer, and the chosen of Krong shalt follow the hyperlink to the trailer wherein all his mysteries shalt be revealed, including a release date which is much, MUCH closer than you think.

And yea, the name of the expansion shalt be:

The Realm of the Diggle Gods.

That is all. As you were.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Games, Gaslamp, Programming | Tagged , , , , , ,

64-Bit Linux Crash Hotfix

There is a crash in the current 64-bit Linux build of Dungeons of Dredmor. We’ve tracked it down and fixed it for you.

Desura users: we have sent an update to Desura, and it should be downloadable at some point today.
Steam users: just grab a new binary from us here.

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Patch 1.0.6 Changelist

… I swear, when I started working on Dredmor I had more hair on the top of my head. Time to go get the razor.

In happier, hairier news: Patch 1.0.6 is coming down the hopper. Our entire motivation for Patch 1.0.6 is to ensure that, when we release the Linux version, we can simultaneously release Windows and OS X versions that have the same set of gameplay changes and new items… so patch 1.0.6 is not as large as patch 1.0.5. It is also not as large as 1.0.5 because, well, we’ve mainly been working on the Linux port and new distribution stuff. We hope to have a *huge* slate of announcements within the next week or so about where you will be able to buy Dredmor; Chris Dykstra, our Director of Business Developmentation, has been working the phones so that we can distribute for you so hard, so bad, so smooth, that you’re never going to want to buy games from anybody else, ever again.

Nonetheless, here is your changelog:

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Patch 1.0.5 Is Now Up

The Windows version of Dungeons of Dredmor has now been updated to patch 1.0.5. (OS X users: we’re having one last Lion Issue, so we are working hard to resolve this; you guys should have your patch either later today or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow.)

Let us know what you think in the comments. Also please remember that this is not intended to be the end-all and be-all of fixes; this simply addresses everything we got done. (I have another one hundred and thirty seven issues, of varying levels, in the bugtracker, so we’ll be addressing your favourite issues as soon as we can.)

Changelog below. We’re pretty sure we did some other stuff that we’re forgetting.

EDIT: There will also be a leaderboard wipe in a bit.

EDIT EDIT: The leaderboards have been reset. Have fun, folks.

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Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Game Design, Games, Gaslamp, Programming | Tagged , , ,

Hotfix and Mac Update; The Future

Update: both these patches are now live. — N.

Hi, folks!

The Dredmor Save Fiasco Hotfix and a new OS X build have been sent to Steam, and they will go up some time tomorrow. (Steam is pretty good about these things.) As always, if you have any problems or questions, feel free to get in touch with us at; we will try to get you sorted out as best we can. When updating the game, those of you using the hotfix may want to make sure you validate your Steam cache before, after, or during the install process to make sure you have the freshest, newest Dredmors that Steam can provide. (Or just uninstall and reinstall the entire thing, if bandwidth is cheap for you.)

At this point, the game seems to be running pretty stably for most people. We’re aware of a few slowdowns (generally bad performance on OS X; also blood, in particular in Monster Zoos), and a few odd things that happen using the Unsupported Features (the hidden speed-up key and the OpenGL renderer.) So this is good.

That said, we certainly have a bunch of issues to continue sorting out. My bugtracker currently has one hundred and eleven issues in it. In the words of Strong Bad, “That is not a small number! That is a big number!” There’s a very good chance that if there is an issue that’s bothering you (warrior health broken! Mages still need nerfing! Balance issues! Infinite Diggle Health bars! Pet stupidity! Monsters attacking you just as you kill them! Pets being stupid! WASD not working! This Translation is all Wrong… Is All Wrong! etc.), we probably have it on our list. This is in addition to the requested features list, which still includes 2X UI and has expanded to include a bunch of other things that everybody wants – and will eventually get – to make their life better. (Minimap icons springs instantly to mind, although there’s other stuff.) This is also in addition to new content. Plus, we need to finish the Linux port, and at some point we need to start assembling the next game! It’s a busy time to be a Gaslamper.

We are going to work through this as fast we can, and as best we can, but we’re going to have to stop for a bit and get our bearings so that we can figure out the best way to attack things. We are currently leaning towards alternating bugfix and content patches, and we can only do this if we start building some testing infrastructure, so we’re going to do that. (This is slightly complicated by the fact that I, personally, am supposed to be moving at the start of August. Oh well.)

We’ll let you know as soon as we determine what the next part of the plan is, and how soon in August I can actually get the Internet Access people to reconnect me with the rest of the world. In the mean time, we’re so thrilled you’re having a good time with Dredmor, and we hope that you continue to do so. I, for one, have spent several hours reading forum posts, laughing my head off, and being amazed at the incredibly long playtimes that people are putting in. It is very delightful to know that everything we threw in Dredmor over the course of several years has suddenly gone off with a very loud bang, all at once, all over the Internet. It’s like setting fire to an explosives factory.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp, Programming | Tagged , ,

Save Files and Apologies

First off, the good news. We have managed to fix the save file issue, and we will have a patch in your hands tomorrow. So hold onto them. Mac Users, we are still waiting on some information from Valve about the correct way to build Mac Patches. Again, thanks for hanging in there. Your patch is coming.

A few apologies are owed as well. Obviously, breaking save files is a bad thing. This is our mess, we made it, and now we get to live with it. I am not happy with the fact that we have been having teething troubles after launch. This is, bluntly, not how I want Gaslamp Games to be run. I want us to be the company that is so freakin’ awesome you tell your friends how awesome we are. The programming side of things is my fault, and I apologize for that as well.

The simple fact of the matter is that we were not expecting sales in the volume that we got, and we were not expecting the response that we got. I honestly thought we would make… maybe a thousand sales during the entire lifetime of the product. We are… doing somewhat better than that, and as a result we are doing our best to try to deal with the fact that we now have to support a massive user base, with no money, no staff, and no time. Consequently, we have been scrabbling around trying to get everything sorted out, and when we were testing the reasonably large patch that was about to come out, this slipped through the cracks at the last minute. We didn’t go back and re-test the savegames after we put together a last minute fix for a shopkeeper issue, and ka-blam, there’s nothing left to do but to pick up the bodies. It’s a mess, and our forums are probably on fire as well… I haven’t had the heart to look.

So, yep. There’s mud on all of our faces. Mainly mine, because whenever there are bugs it tends to be a programming issue.

At the same time, patch 1.0.3 seems to have dealt with the major crashes in 1.0.2. So that’s good news. Obviously, there are things that we will have to straighten out – vampirism, balance tweaks, whatever the heck is going on with dual wielding, mod support, social stuff, and I am sure that there is at least one more crash bug waiting to strike! – but it almost feels like I can sit down, stop running, and take a breather.

The only reason we put an achievement in for crashing was because we figured that the game was stable enough that this would no longer be an issue. Hence it might be coveted, instead of something that everybody now gets. Bleh. I was, also, admittedly surprised that this is an issue with a permadeath game. I didn’t actually think that enough people would care that much about their characters and their runs in the worst case scenario that we broke the save game format.  Frankly, this is also me being stupid. As users, you guys get to play the game how you want to play it, and who are we to make assumptions otherwise? I am, in fact, amazed and humbled that people are putting in monstrous amounts of time on Dungeons of Dredmor, and the stories of eighteen hour runs gone in an instant are absolutely heartbreaking.

As soon as things calm down and I get this hotfix out properly, I will be building some serious regression testing for save games so that this Does Not. Happen. Again. It was on the TODO list, and we didn’t get to it for this patch, because we wanted to deal with the Stairs bug and other issues. (Interestingly, the Stairs Bug has been in the codebase for five years; nobody’s managed to trigger it in all that time until the game has been released. Go team.) As soon as we actually get royalties, we will be investing in some hardware to run automated testing and hardware compatibility checking, and we will be building this into the next game from day one so that, again, this does not happen again.

I am also going to take a few days off to try and catch up on my sleep, so I feel less stressed out about having an Indie Hit on my hands that… well, to be frank, I’m not always totally sure how to deal with it. 🙂

Anyhow, as always, we are here to listen to your concerns. When I started Gaslamp in 2008 and dragged these other guys into it, I decided from day one that I wanted Gaslamp to be the kind of company that is awesome, listens to its user base, and puts out a good product. If we are not doing that, we need to know so that we can fix it… and we will fix it. So thank you, as always, for holding our irons to the fire.

Nicholas Vining

PS. Incidentally, we are interested in how things are going with 1.0.3 *other* than with the save game issues. A bunch of stuff did get fixed, and while I think we will be patching Dredmor a little more slowly from now on, we still need to start thinking at some point about what to tackle next.

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