Category Archives: Dungeons of Dredmor

The Canadian Indie Bundle Is Here!

Edit: Looks like that’s it folks!  Thanks for spreading the word and helping us promote our awesome country of maple syrup, igloos, and great indie games!


We’re in a bundle on Steam right now with a number of other *great* Canadian titles! For only $14.99, you can get Dungeons of Dredmor, and a number of other fabulous indie games featuring everything from Sworcery (whatever that is?) to a bandana-wearing, knife-wielding lunatic, to … some kind of game about quantum waveforms. Quantum physics has never been so exciting!

(look at banner, Michael!)

You get:

  • Dungeons of Dredmor (obviously)
  • Capsized!
  • Shank!
  • Shank 2!
  • Waveform!
  • Superbrothers: Swords and Sworcery EP
  • Space Pirates and Zombies

Honestly, though, these games are fantastic – as are the wonderful indie devs who made them.  Buy the Canadian bundle today! And Blame Canada!

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Our Terrifying October

We dared to explore the terrifying realms of toy manufacturing. The madness continues.

(Get your Diggling Horrors here, etc. OUR HORRIFYING OPERATORS ARE STANDING BY.)

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Conquest of the Wizardlands EP

Mr. Matthew Steele, musician & sound artist for Dungeons of Dredmor, has just released his Conquest of the Wizardlands EP featuring fresh-hot tunes from the latest Dredmor expansion pack Temporal Parod(y)ox and Diggle Hell is a Real (Swinging) Place.

Give it a listen on his bandcamp site and if you like what you hear, why not give the man a dollar for putting a little swing in your step?

(And be sure to check out the complete original Dungeons of Dredmor Soundtrack if you have not yet!)

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,


Over at ShouldBee, we understand that problems are getting steadily worse:

(Diggle Plush link is here! Limited edition Diggles w/David Artwork are still available! etc.)

EDIT: Now with fixed link that won’t trigger security key errors.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Diggle Plushie Announcements!

We have some Diggle Plushie announcements today, including shipping news and clarification of our exciting limited-time sketch offer. First, however, here is a link to the product page. Second, here is a video:

ShouldBee is pleased to inform you that shipping of Plush Diggles to the US, Canada and the UK is now available right now! Those of you in Canada and the United Kingdom who have eagerly been awaiting Diggles can now go ahead and order. Again, a reminder – if you are one of the first 100 people to order a Diggle plush, we will throw in a small, hastily done sketch by David Baumgart and signed by the Gaslamp Games crew. There are still sketches available as of the time of writing.

Again! Diggles can be yours. Just click this link.

It just gets worse from here.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Two Small, Diggly Announcements

Two small announcements about the Diggle Plushie.

First, for those of you who are worried about international shipping – fear not! ShouldBee says it’s coming, and they will be setting it live as soon as they get back from PAX and everybody recovers from whatever variant of the death flu is going around this year.

Second, the first 100 people to order a Diggle Plushie will get, as an added bonus, an original sketch by a Gaslamp Artist Person (or me, if you’re very unlucky), on really nice, high-quality paper, signed by as many members of the Gaslamp crew that we can get to serviceably hold a pen.

Our operators are standing by.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | Tagged , , , , , ,

Diggle Plushies Pre-Order

Some of you may have noticed that certain people, including a Mr. TotalBiscuit, have been receiving the gift of Diggle Plushies at this week’s Penny Arcade Expo. That’s because, when we arrived at PAX, we were greeted with the following horrific, terrifying, nightmarish monster zoo:

If you would like in on this action, please consult the pre-order page provided here by the good folks at ShouldBee. We will have a more formal store announcement and links off of our website (and all that) later.

We have a few left at the expo. One of these guys could be in your hot little hands, as of tomorrow, if you show up at our booth wearing a Dredmor-themed costume.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | Tagged , , , , , , , , , ,

Dungeons of Dredmor Patch 1.1.2

EDIT: Steam is the first out the door with the patch, in the middle of the night no less. Huzzah! — Nicholas

Coming at you from all available angles: It’s a patch! 

Patch Notes

This should be up tomorrow morning on Steam, and trickling out across various other distributors as they get to it. (For some people it might be as late as Monday due to time zone changes, people taking the day off, the Pterodactyl Gods Festival, etc.) A collection of changes is below the cut.

A quick note regarding Desura: while Desura got correctly updated builds from 1.0.11 to 1.1.1 if you use the Desura client, the standalone builds didn’t get updated. This is due to a miscommunication between us and Desura about who puts them up; we’ll be putting up full builds on schedule for you from now on at the same time as we do the in-client uploads. Sorry for the incovenience. Many thanks to Andrew Ferguson for setting up our build machine so we can do this.

And now the changelog:

{ read this article }

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