Category Archives: Dungeons of Dredmor

On the Arcane Devilry of the Linux Port

As we noted in the previous blog update, we now have Linux binaries. In fact, we snuck them into the Steam distribution, so that those of you who bought the game from us on Steam can install it and run it natively on Linux. The port is done! It’s up to date. The distribution methods, though, are a bit arcane… so pay attention! There will be a quiz.

There will be two – at least! – separate channels for purchasing a Linux build of Dungeons of Dredmor that do not require fiddling about with WINE. This option is only suggested if you bought the game on Steam for Windows, and want to run it under Linux. If you have *not* purchased the game, we recommend you wait until we have a better distributor for your needs. That said, the following is a crash course in how to build it.

1. Install WINE. Install Steam under WINE. Install Dredmor, from Steam, under WINE.

2. Find where Steam has hidden Dredmor on your computer. In general, it will be somewhere like Steam/steamapps/common/Dungeons of Dredmor

3. Copy all that stuff out onto your Linux box in the location of your choice.

4. From that directory, run chmod +x Dredmor* {amd64,x86}/*

5. Run Dredmor.

6. Note that Diggles are not like penguins, and will not give you free software and/or herring. In fact, they want to kill you.

Linux is still somewhat in beta, as it hasn’t gotten much testing. Please let us know how it goes.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Programming | 31 Comments

Patch 1.0.6 is now live!

We’ve uploaded Dredmor 1.0.6 to Steam, and it’s all yours to enjoy. Let us know if anything asplodes.

EDIT: Changelog copied and pasted from the changelog below. I’m sure some other stuff snuck in, too, but we’ll see. For the guy who keeps asking us to support 150% DPI fonts – we had a fix in, but it turns out it broke all of Windows XP and I had to take it out this morning. So we’re still working on your problem. 🙂

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Dungeons of Dredmor Halloween Costume Contest

Here’s how it works:

  1. Dress up in a Dungeons of Dredmor themed costume. Whatever you want, it should probably be way better than my idea there.
  2. Send us a picture of yourself looking totally awesome (email: contact AT Or post a picture in the forums. I’ll even make a thread for the contest. It’ll be fun.
  3. We’ll choose a winner to receive a fabulous prize. Or winners. Or prizes. I’m kinda making this up as I go along, but we’ll certainly give you a spooky tomb with your name on it in the second level of the Dungeons Of Dredmor and maybe even a unique artifact item in the game for everyone to find. And maybe some more fun stuff…

Let’s say the deadline is November 8, 2011 — this gives you lots of time to confound your friends by dressing up for Halloween as something they’ve probably never heard of.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | Tagged , , , , , ,

Patch 1.0.6 Update; Dredmor Twitter Fiction Contest Results

Patch 1.0.6 has now been sent to the beta testers. As soon as we get the all clear, we’ll fire it your way. Thanks for being so patient. (Beta testers: if you’re on WINE, you can try the Linux build too! Dump everything out of your Steam install with WINE, and you should be able to just run “./Dredmor”, a little shell script which autoselects the correct build, x86 or amd64. You may have to chmod +x some files, I’m not sure.) The Changelog is still as posted, with the exception of the addition of some additional support for the WASD controls (which now break more things, open more things, flip more things, and are generally more useful than ever before) and correct proc assignment to crossbows (if you have a crossbow with Thaumites, only your crossbow will shoot Thaumites.)

In other news, we ran a 140-character Twitter fanfiction contest last week on our Twitter feed (which you can read here if you are so inclined.) A selection of the entries, and the eventual winner, has been rounded up for your pleasure…

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Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp, Modding, Programming | Tagged , , , , , ,

Media Roundup: Dredmor podcast & Gaslamp interview

Dungeons of Dredmor on Roguelike Radio

The new podcast Roguelike Radio did an entire show about Dungeons of Dredmor, check it out here. (Or on itunes.)

It’s fascinating to listen to people speak very seriously about our game and hear them speculate about what we were thinking when we made this or that design decision (odds are, we weren’t; they’re mostly acts of animal desperation drawn from the lowest id before the conscious mind comes up with a post-hoc justification).

Anyway, we’d be foolish not to be inspired by plunder the thoughts a seasoned pack of roguelike players/designers have about Dredmor — to this point, I’m pretty sure I just heard a great mechanic to act as a foundation for a cheesecrafting skill.

Gaslamp Games interviewed by Gaming Irresponsibly

An extremely patient fellow over at Gaming Irresponsibly has posted interview with us online which we finally got around to fully answering; check it out here.

One wonders if we really ought to say the things we say in public. Then again, we did make Dungeons of Dredmor public and we all know how that turned out. I also have to wonder why Nicholas keeps trying to start a hip-hop style feud with Notch. Have you seen the size of that guy’s posse? Man.

Why are you still reading this? Go read that interview while listening to the podcast.

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So I hear you like a large interface

Here you may see a new display option for Dredmor's UI in the upcoming 1.0.6 patch. It's the little things.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | Tagged , , , , ,

Patch 1.0.6 Changelist

… I swear, when I started working on Dredmor I had more hair on the top of my head. Time to go get the razor.

In happier, hairier news: Patch 1.0.6 is coming down the hopper. Our entire motivation for Patch 1.0.6 is to ensure that, when we release the Linux version, we can simultaneously release Windows and OS X versions that have the same set of gameplay changes and new items… so patch 1.0.6 is not as large as patch 1.0.5. It is also not as large as 1.0.5 because, well, we’ve mainly been working on the Linux port and new distribution stuff. We hope to have a *huge* slate of announcements within the next week or so about where you will be able to buy Dredmor; Chris Dykstra, our Director of Business Developmentation, has been working the phones so that we can distribute for you so hard, so bad, so smooth, that you’re never going to want to buy games from anybody else, ever again.

Nonetheless, here is your changelog:

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Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Programming | Tagged , , , , , ,

The Roadmap

Here’s a transcription of what Nick posted on the forums earlier today (just to get people to maybe check out our shiny new toy), we’ll endeavor to keep the blog the de-facto “news” source.

I’ve been directed to post some interesting stuff on the forums about what we’re doing next, in order to get as many new people using them as we can. So that said, here’s the plan going forwards, courtesy of today’s company meeting. (Which did, in fact, involve swords.)

– 1.0.6: Linux support and a handful of the more interesting things that need to be fixed. I’d like to get this to the beta testers by Monday. I’d like to do it earlier, but the first part of the week is consumed by rubbish Real Life Stuff. So we’ll see what happens.

– 1.0.7: More fixes, and the introduction of a Super Secret Thing that we’ve… well, I may have talked about it before, and I wanted it to get in for the original game, but I didn’t. So I think we’ll put it in for 1.0.7. Again, I’d like a turnaround of about a week, a week and a half.

– 1.0.8: If necessary, more fixes. This patch may not exist, depending on where we set our cutoffs for 1.0.6 and 1.0.7. Hopefully, we get the female character in by this point.

– 1.1.0: Mod support, including bumping all the strings out of the EXE and into an XML file for the usage of various translation teams. (We have a *really* cool translation announcement coming up later this week, by the way.)

and then various support patches for 1.1.0 moving forward.

There is also the little matter of an expansion pack. Gaslamp as a company – and myself, personally – are universally opposed to charging you for things that should be in the core game. We’re committed to fixing every single one of the one hundred and forty-nine issues in the bugtracker for Dredmor, and we will keep adding more Stuff to the core game every time we send out a patch, so that you always get a little something extra.

We don’t want to try to sell you 99 cent horse armour, either. That’s just… lame.

That said, people have actually *asked* us for an expansion pack, so we have to make one. We think we have a concept for an expansion pack that does justify being spun off to a paid expansion, as opposed to being Horse Armour or Eyebrow Wigs or whatever, and we will be moving on this front as soon as we are happy with the state of the core game. (That is to say, Not Yet. Not For A Long Time Yet.) In typical Gaslamp fashion, said expansion pack will probably be about the price of a package of potato chips. Crawl players will like it. It also won’t be anything you couldn’t put in yourself with the mod support, so in effect we will be putting up an Officially Sanctioned Mod and inviting you to buy it from us. I think this is a reasonable policy. I have no idea when this will be done, either. If I had to pull an estimate out of my posterior, I would guess six months or so. It’ll mainly be frontloading on the art side and less on the code side, and will be something that the company will collectively move on after 1.1.0.

There should also be an announcement about Merch in a few weeks. Buy Merch. BUY MERCH.

So that’s the roadmap going forwards. Questions? Comments? Let us know! That’s what we’re here for.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Modding | Tagged , , , ,