As insinuated and/or implied via the Twittersphere and elsewise, we’ve finally got some pictures of the new office to show.

Left: Our neighbours' lovely building gives inspiration to texture artists everywhere. Right: Practicing the traditional Scottish art of the minifridge-toss. Joseph is wary; Nicholas don't care.
The move itself was moderately grueling. Nicholas and I agreed that the ability to live-tweet our adventures through darkest Richmond to find IKEA form the most compelling reason for either of us to finally get a smartphone. While heading in a direction that turned out to be about 270 degrees off my intended course, I sighted a Tofu Soup House and had to be restrained, then some point we crossed the Fraser river, broke an axle, someone got dysentery, and Nicholas and I finally found the Swedish Death Star and set ourselves up for some Sherlock-style jokes, somehow.
Just take my word for it that everything worked out in the end. (… With bourbon-based cocktails. See, our mana was low due to the charm spells we had to cast on the bank and computer store to be allowed to buy our equipment because apparently they don’t accept cheques from businesses with even the monumental financial reputation that Gaslamp Games enjoys.)

The calm before the storm. Joseph installs Maya while Nicholas looks for sweet keyboard deals on Ebay. I am discovering that the minifridge is rather heavier than it looks.

We have windows now! And here I am doing my art-direction thing: "Sean! Tighten up the art on level 2!"

If you could see a man in his tools, you would see Sean in this picture. Unfortunately he was the one taking pictures because my camera ran out of batteries and is generally terrible so you really have no idea what he looks like, just comfort in the fact that he's a fan of both Dead Space and natural light. Yes, Sean is indeed a man of contradictions.
Well, that’s about enough excitement for one blog post. We’re settling in and beginning production on the ever-mysterious Project Odin which we’ve decided to delay the big announcement on ’til GDC wraps up and we get together enough material to show off something substantial.
In the meantime, Sean’s whipped up a little something from Odin to show off and fuel some more tortuous speculation:

Forever may our humble axles turn as the Holy Cog steadily rotates the celestial spheres above the earth and with divine symmetry churns the waters of the seas.
Got it! Odin is a wartime simulator that involves using water wheels and windmills to power complex war-machine-making machinery in distance places. Also, mining the ore needed to make the war machines. Also, diggles. Plush ones.
I’d pay good money for a giant plush Muscle Diggle to use as a pillow 😛
Essence, you been getting my mails?
Wow. The new offices look awesome, you guys are no longer in an ex porn studio! Also, D’s strain face from fridge tossing will haunt my dreams now.
I’ll have you know that the photographer who occupied our previous space made very tasteful images.
That is an awesome touchpad screen thing!
Essence, does that mean that Gaslamp is making Lock’s quest for the pc?
This has nothing to do with anything Gaslamp-related but I’d really love to see 5th cell make a sequel to Lock’s Quest.
With each post my excitement grows! If I throw money at you, will Project Odin come out faster?
I think that with this new gif, it’s pretty clear Project Odin is actually a Dating Sim/RTS/God-Sim hybrid with random battles.
hmmm the axles perpendicular to the cog axle appear to be rotating in the wrong directions. perhaps odin is some kinda physics simulator for alternate realities where up is down and lutefisk is tasty.
We were quite careful about the gears, in fact.
I think the problem is that we cheesed a motion blur effect in and I kinda screwed up the gif animation.
You guys are, like, a real game studio now! A snazzy new office makes it really really official, right?
I can feel the excitement even from all the way down here at the equator.