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Dungeons of Dredmor Patch 1.1.2

EDIT: Steam is the first out the door with the patch, in the middle of the night no less. Huzzah! — Nicholas

Coming at you from all available angles: It’s a patch! 

Patch Notes

This should be up tomorrow morning on Steam, and trickling out across various other distributors as they get to it. (For some people it might be as late as Monday due to time zone changes, people taking the day off, the Pterodactyl Gods Festival, etc.) A collection of changes is below the cut.

A quick note regarding Desura: while Desura got correctly updated builds from 1.0.11 to 1.1.1 if you use the Desura client, the standalone builds didn’t get updated. This is due to a miscommunication between us and Desura about who puts them up; we’ll be putting up full builds on schedule for you from now on at the same time as we do the in-client uploads. Sorry for the incovenience. Many thanks to Andrew Ferguson for setting up our build machine so we can do this.

And now the changelog:

{ read this article }

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