It is that time again – when the Indie Game Studio splits its old crowded exoskeleton, extrudes its expanding glistening body from the husk of its former carapace, then makes its home anew in a fresh office. There, it shall plant down the Birthing Nodules, each of which shall shimmer forth in a flurry of exuberant budding-pods from which the larvae shall hatch.
In this case, we just deployed the Birthing Nodules a mere 30 feet down the hall from the old office (which suits our poor backs just fine.)

It’s a moving montage! Imagine a pumping 80’s rock soundtrack. (Left to right: Mr. Whitman, wizard, Micah, Joseph, Mr. Whitman again via use of magic, Sean, Daniel.)
Our company has grown. Space is needed; space to be filled with the nourishing off-the-wall game development our customers expect and demand.