It’s April! There is a Technical Status Update. You know the drill.
All posts tagged with "abrupt desert biome transitions"
April Technical Status Update
Posted in Clockwork Empires, Programming |
Tagged "Hook him to the tagging machine and drain all the tags!" "But sir-" "ALL THE TAGS!", abrupt desert biome transitions, also discussed yesterday: aurochs cheese, always with the berries, Animal Jobs: what are they?, berries, chris whitman's wizard powers are many and varied, clockwork empires, cutting edge berry simulation, everyone loves debug mode, just-in-time berry simulation, mooily, next-gen berry simulation, no comments shall be made about the very abrupt desert, only the plumpest deer, our only source of food is berries, realistic berry simulation, RGB 0 255 0 is a sure sign of wizards, screenshots, send tags, shadow aurochs, still working on zergling rush support, technical status update, the auroch from last month's technical status update brought some friends, the aurochs friends are not pictured here but really exists in real life for real, there is no escape from tags only death or possibly beet juice, we built this wall of tags with our bare hands, We're stuck in this farcical abuse of SEO features and can't escape, well that got dark didn't it, you will know the mind drill very well indeed
What’s That Red Stuff?
Do you see it, right there? That’s the problem. Herein it shall be explained why and then how it is solved.
So we’ve had some talk about the overworld lately and the old post about world map generation still stands. Now we’re dealing with the details of living in it, of filling each biome with appropriate textures and objects. This is proceeding rapidly.
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