Category Archives: Gaslamp

A Highly Dredded Birthday

A mighty sewer-brew toast to the birthday of Matthew, our esteemed sound-crafter who toils in a meat-abusing quest to please your auditory needs!

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Dredmor 0.94 done!

We’ve finished Dredmor 0.94, and are busy trying to figure out what we need to fix for Dredmor 0.94.1 (a handful of minor bugs that weren’t worth stopping the build today for) and 0.95 (???) Based on where we are right now – the start of the game is looking good and polished, but the end game and middle game is still in need of work. We’re looking at how to address that with 0.95, but here’s where it gets encouraging: most of what is left in the TODO for the game – the entire game! – is scripting and content creation. Not much code appears to be needed from me, which leaves me relegated to bug fixes, little pieces of polish, and of course tackling some of the last few little design issues. I’m sure that my bugtracker will fill up again, but it’s very nice having only seven code issues sitting between me and shipping.

Be advised: we may start mining the beta list shortly for more testers. You lucky, lucky people.


100% natural fiberglass compounds.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Games, Gaslamp, Programming | 5 Comments

Gaslamp Games Press Release: Dungeons of Dredmor is Not an April Fools’ Prank

April 1st, 2011 – Gaslamp Games, an independent game development company based out of British Columbia, Canada, has regrettably announced that its upcoming Roguelike Dungeon Crawler, “Dungeons of Dredmor”, is not an April Fools’ Day Prank. In fact, the game exists, is being actively worked on, and is still on track for a release on major digital gaming distribution services some time in April 2011. Members of the gaming press, understandably incredulous that anybody is actually trying to make a roguelike that makes money, have recently been claiming that Dredmor is an elaborate practical joke on the PC gaming community; Gaslamp’s cofounders have therefore been forced out of their bunkers and parents’ basements to inform the public that this is not the case.

“Yes,” said Nicholas Vining, Gaslamp’s technical director, “we at Gaslamp genuinely believe that you will actually want a game with 8-bit graphics, stored in antiquated file formats, where you run around a dungeon and eat Lutefisk while trying to kill an evil sorcerer. We deeply regret the error of our ways.” David Baumgart, Gaslamp’s technical art director, was heard to gnash his teeth and wail in dulcet tones at this pronouncement, before running out of the office to seal his claim to fame as the independent game community’s version of Toulouse-Lautrec. Daniel Jacobsen, Gaslamp’s technical business director, was technically unavailable for comment, being technically asleep at the time, lulled into peaceful slumber by the soothing songs of the Space Whale.

“We understand that this is a painful time,” Vining added, “and that Dungeons of Dredmor is probably the cruelest non-April Fools’ Day Joke not committed in the history of not-jokes. We apologize to our audience for not tricking them, and for actually making this thing, but we actually believed that you wanted to play a game with eighty-seven bazillion cheeses in it. I have erred grievously in mixing my business projects with my personal hobbies, and my fascination for the bovine product has doomed the company and sullened its reputation by casting it as nothing more than a band of merry pranksters. I feel that this announcement, clarifying that we have actually built this game in deathly, earnest seriousness, will go a long way towards improving our company’s reputation as being perfectly serious as well as my reputation as, technically, Gaslamp’s technical technical director.”

“Woe is the life of the starving technical art director artist,” Baumgart commented miserably and technically. “I told you we should have ripped off Minecraft.” The Dungeons of Dredmor codebase was unavailable for comment, having impaled itself on a version control system some hours earlier and remaining in critical condition.

Dungeons of Dredmor will be available for purchase in case anybody wants to buy it. The game is rated “T” for technical.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Game Design, Gaslamp | 4 Comments

Late Night Dwarven Infomercials? Say It Ain’t So!

In celebration of Dwarven Craftsmanship Month, we at Gaslamp Games are pleased to present our new line of Late Night Dwarven Infomercials. Each video is lovingly seared with Potent Runes of Advertising and guaranteed to help you make the finest, most informed decisions about where to spend your entertainment dollar.

This video features the new Spring 2011 Trap line up, suitable for any discerning dungeon builder. Many have not heard that Dwarven Craftsmanship is finally available at rock-bottom prices, so please feel free to spread the love.

We will have some information about where to actually buy Dredmor, and how much it will cost, VERY shortly. Stay tuned!

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Games, Gaslamp | Leave a comment

Gaslamp Games Quote File #1

I assure you, these words were uttered in perfectly reasonable game development discussions. For entertainment purposes, I have stripped them all of context. (Hmm, maybe this would more appropriately be called the “zany game-development with Nicholas quotes file”.)

Let us begin:

Nicholas: Oh, it’s used to indicate the presence of an oiled character
Nicholas: monster, rather.
Nicholas: although I suppose if the player gets oiled, that is a possibility as well.

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Immortal Machines podcast interview

Nicholas and I were interviewed on the Immortal Machines podcast (an affiliate of Colony of Gamers) last week by the good bunch of guys there who were far too patient with certain Gaslampy … excesses. Now you can listen in to learn dark secrets about the Dungeons of Dredmor — about the unnatural habits of Thrusties, why Nicholas should not drink a pot of coffee on an empty stomach, and how much Dredmor isn’t going to cost. Here’s the link:

Immortal Machines episode 47: Gaslamp Games and Dungeons of Dredmor (or try the CoG post of the same, if you like)

Much thanks to the Immortal Machines guys for letting us on and to Colony of Gamers and their wonderful community for all their support!

The real question now is if they will ever make the mistake of letting us back on.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp, Interviews | Tagged , , , , ,

You can’t have a Podcast without Pod People

David and I are being interviewed next Wednesday for the “Immortal Machines” podcast over at Colony of Gamers. If you have questions about Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp Games, or anything else that you want to know about, head on over to their forums and get askin’.

The best part? Ask a question – if it gets answered, you’ll be entered to win a free copy of Dungeons of Dredmor!

Go now! Heed the call of the Wizard-Kings!

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Distracting Time Sinks

After many hours spend in terminal working out our beloved server I occasionally need a project that servers no purpose other than to distract me.  The most recent of these projects involves these guys:

Head Programmer

Head Programmer

Head Artist

Head Artist

Head Head?

Head Head?

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