Category Archives: Dungeons of Dredmor

Dredmor Status Non-Update

We said last Saturday that Dungeons of Dredmor was still gold, and that we were working on getting our game into your hands as soon as possible. Unfortunately, both of these things are still true.

We are still trying to finalize things with our distributor, and we are working very, VERY hard on getting everything set up so that we can finally make announcements about how you can buy Dredmor, and about a release date, as soon as possible. Regrettably, a lot of these things are out of our control, and getting everything sorted out is taking much longer than we have hoped. Compounding the nature of the frustration is the fact that we can’t even, legally, explain what the delay is. Consequently, we apologize for the delay, and we want you to know that we are working as hard as we can. Unfortunately, as I said before, not everything at this point is in our hands; until we get in a better position to make some announcements, and we’re sure everything is settled down, we’re going to be quietly working on advancing things on the sales front, and on making a few “secret improvements” to Dredmor. Please, do not let the flame of Dredmor burn out in your hearts. Have faith and bear with us.

Since we can’t really talk about what’s going on, and since other entities are involved, it is hard to speak with our usual candor and frankness about development issues. That said, we are as heartbroken that we cannot sell you the game as you are that you can’t buy it yet. Having something stuck in development – and stuck in such a way that you cannot do anything about it – is one of the worst feelings in the world. One of our biggest takeaways from this experience is that we need to learn, as a company, that not everybody can move at the same speed as we can. Gaslamp, by virtue of its small size, can work through issues rapidly. If we want something in Dredmor, we can usually get it done in a couple of days; I can say to David, “Hey, we need to shrink the size of the Horadric Lutefisk Cube”, and he just goes off and does it, lickety-split. We have been running the business end of development like this as well, making important decisions rapidly and enjoying the flexibility that we have as a small company. We need to learn that we cannot do this when our affairs intertwine with those of larger corporate entities, who have too much on their plate to work at the same speed we do… and we need to plan accordingly. Doubly so when lawyers are involved.

Again, our apologies. We will let you know what’s going on as soon as we can; on our end, we will be learning from this and will be making sure that it doesn’t happen again.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp | Tagged , , , , ,

The Lutefisk Knows No Boundaries

It has been a long and productive day deep in the Gaslamp Diggleworks, but we are now unfortunately fairly certain that the Big Announcement we have been promising must be postponed due to forces beyond our control.  We hope to make it up to you by working tirelessly this weekend adding some really exciting features that we were worried we wouldn’t have time for.  We’ll fill you in on them very soon.

In the mean time, the folks over at RPGCodex, The Indie Shelter (Italy), and (Russia) have put together some great articles describing their harrowing experiences with the Lutefisk God, crafting systems and the beta.  (You might want to filter them through Google Translate)

-Citizen Daniel

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp | 17 Comments

The Sweet Taste of Gold

There are now zero outstanding issues on our “must fix before ship” list. We’re going to play Dredmor internally for about 24 to 48 hours, and if we don’t find anything we desperately need to fix, we now have a Dungeons of Dredmor gold master build.

Nearly there, folks – we’ll have this in your hot little hands as soon as we can. Speaking for myself: having been working on Dredmor since 2005, it is *very* odd being done.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Games, Gaslamp | Tagged , ,

… and there’s a tutorial, ya’know.

(We’re close to the end/the beginning and Gaslamp is antsy to announce a ship date. But we can’t do that just yet. Yes: working hard. Especially Nicholas with his pile of hatred incarnate, see: bugtracker todo list.)

Beta testers: We’ve finally added a tutorial! Unfortunately you’ve probably all learned everything in it through an education of pain & countless deaths.

Other people: Although we’ve made a game that’s found most people dying to drinking acid or being savaged by a horde of small bird-like animals in the first minute or so of play, we’ve been good enough to have scripted up a fun little set of tutorials to teach a bit of how to play Dredmor – using items, skills, UI interaction, and such.

As a game built on roguelike foundations the key to Dredmor is the core concept of each action taking a single “turn”. Yes, it’s a turn-based game. But there are many turns and they are taken quickly each time you do anything — take a step, execute an attack, cast a spell, drink a potion, open a door, and so on — so the flow of the game has a fluidity to it while allowing you to effectively pause the action and take your time to consider your tactical options whenever you so desire. And you will certainly need to.

Here are some shots, 1. of the tutorial list and 2. of a poor diggle that’s about to get a final education in bomb-throwing.

Now I know that you hardcore players are not about to get excited about a set of tutorials, but consider what happens when we open up the scripting that made them possible. It could allow for some very interesting possibilities both in official expanded content (which I’ll probably have a heavy hand in) and for modders who want to push the game past what we at Gaslamp ever imagined possible.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | Tagged , , ,

A Price for Dredmor

We can now announce that the price for Dungeons of Dredmor is $4.99. There will be more on this later, including the hows and whys of this decision, but we think it’s the right one.

More fun announcements coming soon! Watch this channel!

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp | Tagged ,

On Mod Support

Very briefly, because people keep asking: “Can you make mods for Dungeons of Dredmor? What is the plan for modding for Dredmor?” Emphatically: a) yes, b) what is contained below.

{ read this article }

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Games, Gaslamp, Programming | Tagged , , , ,

On Shipping

Time for more coffee; while that brews, let’s do a blog post. Let’s talk about polish, a topic that is near and dear to my heart. (EDIT: Now with addendum.)

First off, an enormous thank you to all our beta testers. Dredmor is so much better now than it was two weeks ago, and this is thanks to your input, crash bugs, feedback suggestions, gameplay complaints, and balance issues. Hang in there guys, I know you’re burnt out. For everybody not in the beta: hang in there, we’re so close to the end it’s amazing. There have been times when I thought this day would never come.

So what *are* we working on? Polish, mainly.

There was a thread on the Positech Games blog that gave me a few ideas about what to write about while I wait for coffee. Cliff… well, I don’t actually know why I read his blog; he mainly spends his time writing about a) how awful it is to be an indie, b) why everybody should be paying $29.99 for Gratuitous Space Battles, and c) how horrible it is to have to deal with municipal planning authorities in the United Kingdom. (The last complaint is fairly universal.) Meanwhile, Alex Mosolov, whose game Starfarer you should all be playing, just gets on with making a game, and is letting you pre-order for $10 and suffer along with him as he works on the alpha. Guess whose attitude I like more? And guess who just posted, excitedly, that he decided to quit his job to work on his company full-time? (Also, unlike Gratuitous Space Battles, Starfarer actually lets you pilot a spaceship. I think that’s a selling point.)[1]

That said, I usually get ideas for blog posts from reading the Positech blog, so there you go. Today’s post at Cliff’s blog was the usual “Argh Indie Pricing” thread. We still haven’t made a pricing announcement for Dredmor other than the < $10 thing, but we do have one in mind. It’s a shame that the final price for Dredmor isn’t higher, but there is a recession on and I will be the first to admit that there is a lot of competition out there for your gaming dollar. Nothing new there. The next game we make, we are committed to having production values that clearly justify a $19.99 price, both to ourselves and everyone else. That’s all there is to it. What is interesting in that thread, though, is the following comment from a poster – a comment that has massive, incredible value:

If there’s something I want to say it’s this:
Indie games need more polish to be able to sell for more.
Most devs don’t have the money for that amount of polish, but they do have the time, even if it means taking a part time job to survive. If a game looks unpolished, with bad graphics, bad sound quality, music, uninteresting characters etc, then no matter if it’s indie or not, it will fail, and people won’t want to buy it, not at the full price.

Yes, exactly what he said.

{ read this article }

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Games, Gaslamp | Tagged , , , ,

Preview Roundup 2 + Beta Madness-Vortex

Here at Gaslamp we’re in brain-rending beta vortex of madness mode. I’ll try to piece together a couple thoughts at the end of the post, but first a couple more previews:

From Gamer CredentialsDungeons of Dredmor Preview – suddenly diggles, thousands of them!

It’s hard to believe, but just about a week ago Daynab (a Dredmor beta tester) wrote up this quick preview of Dungeons of Dredmor. All I’ll say is that he’s been a big help and Dredmor has come a huge distance in this short time.

And from Paul’s 8bit Patio : Indie Test Drive : Dungeons of Dredmor Beta (Roguelike/RPG)

Paul Soares was good enough to make a video of Dungeons of Dredmor gameplay for his Indie Test Drive series in which he gives a good introduction to the variety of ways to die in the game. Check it out:

And how about a word on Beta and Crunch?

{ read this article }

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp | Tagged , , , , , ,